Sean elected member of the Royal Institute of Naval Architects

Sean Strevens, founder and partner of Cheetah Marine LLP has been elected a member of the Royal Institute of Naval Architects.

Sean designed the first Cheetah Catamaran in 1991 and has since specialised in developing a range of symmetrical and semi symmetrical planing catamarans forall fields of operation. Sean is responsible for all aspects of naval architecture at Cheetah Marine including structural design and external shape, lines,weight calculations, static and dynamic stability and various methods of propulsion systems with an emphasis on outboard engines.

Sean has focused on developing a range of fuel efficient hulls from 6m to 11.2mwhich can perform well in rough conditions and maintain good speeds. Whilst style is an important consideration, safety remains the critical objective in all of Sean’s catamarans. With over 340Cheetah Catamarans in operation, the Cheetah design and concept has been thoroughly tested within many small workboat applications including hydrographic survey, patrol, commercial and recreational fishing and remote location services.

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